Item Analysis Report: A Deep Dive into Student Responses 

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The Reports Hub

Reports on Edcite Schools provide instant and actionable data at all levels. Teachers and administrators can respond to results on a class, school, or district level. Teams can drive action using the following dynamic reports and interactive dashboards for single assignments:

Item Analysis Report

The Item Analysis Report allows teachers to do a deep dive into one specific question in an assignment. This report shows teams how many students (and which students) selected each answer choice. Teams can better understand any misconception(s) happening with an item. The report works best with Multiple Choice (#005) and Table Checkbox (#010) question types, but also provides insightful information on all question types. Teachers can then seamlessly create student groups based on the data in the report so they can respond to these misconceptions.

Analyzing Results Using Different Question Types

The columns in the report present the following information: question number, question part, tags, question type, answer choices (with the correct answer highlighted in green), and the percentage (and number of students) that chose each answer choice.

Question #1 above presents data on a Table Checkbox question. You can see the answer choices students were given, the correct answers highlighted in a green rectangle, and the percentage of students who chose each answer choice.

Question #2 shows data on a Multiple Choice question. With this question type, you can see the answer choices, the correct answer(s) highlighted in green, as well as the percentage (and number) of students who chose a particular answer option.

Question #3 shows data on a Fill in the Blank question. On this question type, and all others, data is shown based on credit – what percentage (and number) of students received full credit, partial credit, or no credit.

Building Intervention Groups

To see the list of students who chose a particular answer, simply click on a choice in the percentage column. Teachers can build student intervention groups based on answer selections. These groups can then be used to respond to any misconceptions. See how easy it is to create these groups below!

Future Updates

As we add more question options for in-depth item analysis, we are open to suggestions on what question type we should add next. If you have any feedback, please reach out to with the subject line “Item Analysis Report Suggestion”.


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