Randomized Numeric Question Type

With feedback from our community, Edcite has created 60 question types to help students show their learning. One of the question types we have created helps ensure that students have a secure testing environment.

That is why our randomized numeric question type has become so popular with math teachers!

Pictograph Question Type

Did you know that Edcite has more technology-enhanced questions than any other formative or summative assessment platform? With feedback from our community, we have created 60 question types to help students show their learning.

One of the most popular Edcite question types for elementary students is the pictograph question type.

Array Question Type

Teachers love the variety of question types available on Edcite. Edcite’s 60 technology-enhanced question types can be used to assess DOK levels and state standards and are an easy way to provide differentiation. Our question types also align with those found on state tests around the country.

One of the most popular Edcite question types answered by elementary students is the array question type.

Fraction Question Type

Edcite has 60 technology-enhanced question types available that teachers can use to create interactive practice for students. Teachers can also find standards-based items in our Question Bank.

One of our most popular question types on Edcite is our fractions question type!